MAT Growth

Is 3 the magic number for MAT budgets?

They say three is a magic number, but the ESFA’s announcement that academy trusts must now provide three-year budget forecasts (instead of one-year) may not have left MATs feeling too […]

Associate members of MATS – a real egg cuber?

David Carter, the National Schools Commissioner, has hinted at a new, potentially game changing, policy at a Church of England schools training event last week. The basic premise of what […]

Is WCAT the wake up call the sector needs?

After 21 academy conversions, £500,000 worth of additional funding to take on failing schools and accolades about being a “top performing” trust, things at Wakefield City Academies Trust has not […]

What makes a successful MAT: Part 1

Every school, or group of schools, at the start of conversion considerations wonder what skill sets are required. By and large, there are 4 that RSC’s like. There is a […]