Support Services
At J&G our services go beyond our well-known Academy Conversion and Trust Growth services. Frequently schools, academies and Trusts ask us to assist and guide them on other matters. This is where our Support Services come in. Below are several of these services that have successfully addressed many issues schools face.
If you need to change your existing conversion documents such as Funding Agreements, a Deed of Variation will be required. If you have been asked by your Regional Director to complete a Deed of Variation, contact us to discuss.
Significant Change applications
If you are changing the characteristics of an academy such as age range, PAN ( Published Admission Numbers ), merging Trusts, changing the Funding Agreements or Articles, you will need to complete a Significant Change application. Such changes need to be approved by the Regional Director to avoid being in breach of your Funding Agreement so getting things right from the outset is very important.
Support on CEO / Head Performance Management
If you need external adviser support on appraisal and pay awards, we are available. Having external support with additional knowledge and experience of Executive Leader targets, pay scales and comparisons can help you make more informed decisions. Usually, having someone with no ‘skin in the game’ balances internal processes and mindset.
Report on the White Paper and options facing all Schools and Trusts
If your GB/Trust Board needs more information to decide the best course of action for the future, this report will be invaluable. Offering the direction of travel, the options facing you and the benefits and risks of each of those options, this report will help in your deliberations. You will also benefit from a Q&A about the report.
If you’d like any more information on any of the above services, how we can help to address any related issues within your school, or to just speak to us regarding any other matter we can help with, please get in touch via email or phone and we’d be more than happy to help.
School Based Nurseries – if you are looking to create a School Based Nursery, we can help in a number of ways. Initially, we can provide support on:
- Market Analysis
- Market Strategy
- Branding
- Space & Ratio
- Recruitment
- Financial Systems and Administrative Costs
We can also support if you are considering creating Breakfast Club or After School Club
Creating a Federation of Schools – if you are a group of schools thinking of Federating, we can support you every step of the way. This includes:
- Instrument of Government
- Proposal
- Consultation
- Choosing the Federated GB
- Choosing the Executive Head
- Due diligence
- Financial considerations
- Land transfer to the Federation
If you are already a Federation looking to dissolve or are a Federation looking to become a Multi Academy Trust, contact us to discuss further.