
Why Headteacher Boards? Why just Heads?

There is many a paradox in the Academy world but perhaps the biggest one is around the Headteacher Board. A group of Headteachers, together with and headed by an RSC, […]

What is an academy?

‘Go before we are pushed’, ‘control the journey and destination’ as well as ‘we are not having a Trust come in and tell us what to do, how to operate’. […]

What is governance?

I’ve never been a fan of the phrase ‘Critical Friend’. In my opinion, what a nonsensical phrase. When I first became a governor over 23 years ago, a wise man […]

The building blocks for academisation

The first building block came in 2010 with the coalition changing how Academies looked. Under the previous government, these were failing schools where money was thrown at trying to solve […]

Is the DfE missing a trick?

The biggest single delay to any conversion is usually the land transfer / lease and most of those delays relate to the LA legal team. Don’t get me wrong, I’m […]