Come on RSCs – it is not all about you!
Schools used to apply to the DfE to convert to academy status. They still apply to the DfE but the application now is assessed by a Headteacher Board ( HTB ) under the relevant RSC. Unfortunately, more and more, RSC’s are forcing a school or group of schools to fit a template of their – the RSC’s – choosing. Surely, an RSC must fit the template around the school or group of schools! The minute you demand schools change something without truly understanding the beating heart of that school, then you take something away from it. No two schools in the country are the same. So why does an RSC want every school or group of schools, to fit the same template?? Doesn’t make sense. So, I say come on RSC’s, stop being so blinkered. Stop trying to make schools fit your template. Sure, you can ensure the proposal is robust and ticks boxes for future sustainability, capacity and growth, but come on, if a school or group of schools has/have built something that works for them, let them do it. You won’t know the beating heart as they do. Give us some credit please!