J & G Marshall is delighted to be launching two free CPD events to help and support education leaders; whether they be headteachers, business managers, governors or trustees.
Both events will be held on January 22 2019 at The Centre at Birchwood Park. Refreshments will be provided and multiple guests are welcome from the same organisation.
They are:
1) Academisation in an age of uncertainty: how should school leaders be planning for the future?
9:30am – 12:00pm
This is an event for governors and senior leaders in local authority schools looking at the changing political rhetoric about academisation and the strategic considerations that need to be at the forefront of their thinking.
2) Future proofing your multi academy trust: how to establish, maintain and grow your trust?
Delegates can either attend a presentation from 13:00 or request a one-on-one discussion and review later in the afternoon.
In an age where academies and MATs are under the spotlight, this events looks at best practice about how to establish a trust and put in place the structures and processes that will ensure the integrity of the MAT and provide the foundations for growth. In addition, we will look at what “good growth” looks like and how to avoid the pitfalls that some trusts have experienced.