Academy Conversions
Our team includes professionals who all sit on Trust Boards and governing bodies. It means that we look at things differently. We see conversion from the perspective of the school, not just from a business point of view.
Whereas many see the Academy Conversion Grant as the funding purely for the transfer, we have a different perspective. The key motivation when J & G Marshall was established was finding a way carry out conversions more effectively and efficiently so that the set-up grant could also be directed to the classroom where possible.
Our single fee structure ensures that conversion grants can support education outcomes, rather than being swallowed up by legal fees and administration.
For £11,500 + VAT, our service includes everything you need.
- Help with your application
- Company set up – Articles and Memorandum
- Commercial Transfer Agreement, plus schedules
- Funding Agreement and Annexes
- Land Transfer/Lease
- TUPE guidance
- Support sourcing finance system
- Support sourcing HR/Employment Lawyers and Accountants
- Full project management
- Guidance on insurance, banking facilities and pensions
- Where applicable, full liaison with the LA, DfE and Diocese
J&G Marshall offers a full and comprehensive transfer solution, so governors, senior leaders and the wider school community can focus on education.
Read the testimonials page to see exactly what our clients say about us and then contact us to discuss how we can support your journey.
"Since our initial conversion in 2015 Jeff has worked with us on converting another school into the MAT as well as providing support with due diligence on other schools and academies to make sure that we are fully informed in all aspects of the schools before we agree for other schools to join us. The level of detail and information that Jeff’s team have given us has ensured that our Directors are confident in making informed decisions about our growth strategy. This vital work ensures that we are not risking our existing schools by making poor decisions."
Dan Thomas, CEO, The Learning for Life Partnership
"What makes J&G Marshall stand out is their way of working. They are always available and working to the principle that whatever is important to us is important to them. The combination of skills, experience and can-do attitude is a powerful one, and is the heartbeat in Jeff's team."
Darrell Janes, Chair of Governors, Hermitage Primary School