Academy conversion – just a legal framework?

Many schools simply think academy conversion is all about the legal work. It isn’t. There is much more to a conversion. So, choosing the right support is key.
Don’t get me wrong. The legal aspects of conversion is hugely important but just as important are the project management and the finance system. Never underestimate the amount of work required to project manage the conversion. Trying to do this yourselves usually takes out at least one person for months. Can you afford to ‘lose’ a staff member for 6 months? Having experienced project managers can take away many headaches. Having experienced project managers who have done this hundreds of times and who themselves have gone through conversion with their own schools can be priceless. Having these project managers actually in your school throughout the process is always a comfort. How often can a law firm – who are just doing the legal work – provide those project managers ( Governors, lawyers, finance people with huge conversion experience )?
The finance system chosen by the academy or MAT is a huge decision. Again, don’t underestimate the work involved and costs incurred in this activity. Simply choosing the right one is a major activity let alone the work involved in installation and training. Can a law firm help with any of this?
So, of the three main activities in conversion – legals, project management and finance system – how many can any law firm do? Therefore, choosing a law firm, even based on cost, can be false accounting if you then need to add on project management costs and finance system work. Would you not rather have one company who can do it all and at a fixed price?
Consider it all before making a decision that could mean unnecessary work in school and unnecessary additional fees. Any fees saved are fees available for teaching and learning.
To see what we do in all these areas, click here.
Then, read what our converter schools say about us.